When looking for wholesale eyelash vendors, it is essential to know what kinds of lash companies or lashes individuals could be called lash vendors.

There are 3 kinds of occasions.
- Eyelashes factory who could manufacture lashes and also sell lashes to worldwide customers, especially USA. From manufacture lashes to export mink lashes, they don’t need to rely on or cooperate with any other lashes business. They could do it by themselves. For lashes manufacture, usually they employ a lot of staff and they also provide the lowest price for there is no other fees they need to afford.
- Eyelash Distributor
There are some mink lash vendors who buy lashes from lashes factory and sell to customers, so usually, the price would they sell would be higher than the price lashes manufacturer provide.

For lashes beginner, you had better find a reliable lash vendor that could guarantee stable mink lashes supply, usually the lashes manufacturer could do it. And Lash Vendor Missangel Lashes could also do it. If you are interested in work with us and the lashes style we sell at present, please contact WHATSAPP: +86 15166831626